Apple has again created another device to be utilized with their latest iPhone. This new item is called an Apple AirTag. It is a device about the size of a maybe a quarter that can be placed amongst your luggage, in a person, or unfortunately, secreted somewhere in your vehicle. It appears to have been developed to be a locater for your stuff, so in case you lost it or misplaced it you can track it and find same. Unfortunately, some have commented that it can also be utilized by stalkers in an attempt to track you as well. Keeping in mind that there are other devices that can be utilized by stalkers with new ones hitting the market all the time, but we thought we would just make you aware of this one. Obviously, Apple did not develop this product to enhance a stalker’s efforts. However, I would suggest that you may want to read up on the AirTag. I found one on a site entitled The Conversation, which seemed to discuss the new AirTag at some length. They advise that the AirTag, in optimal conditions can transmit up to a 100 meters; however, from what I can tell, they advise that it is not actually a device that generates GPS coordinates, but can allow the person who has the device App on their iPhone to still get a fairly accurate direction where to go look for whatever the device is attached to.

I should tell you that I am not a computer genius, nor am I an owner of an IPhone, so obviously, I am no where near being a tech expert; nor am I really a fan of all this new stuff that keeps tabs on all of us. I am a Boomer so I really like keeping things simple, but I don’t appreciate stalkers, nor do I like that so much of these new tracking devices really help them way too much in going after their targets.
Just so you know, one of my boys is pushing me along with some other folks into generating a new stalking blog where I actually get to talk to out their in computerland. So, when I get a bit more time, I guess I am actually going to sit down and do it, hopefully reaching out to more folks on stalker prevention.