Press & Awards
Detective Mike Proctor continues to do media interviews both at home and at studios, concerning the growing stalking problem at home and abroad.
Mike Proctor's Press & Awards

Defender of Justice Award
2003, California State Assembly
The Defender of Justice Award is given annually to law firms that, “demonstrate a continuous and distinguished record of supporting alternative dispute resolution, public service, and community involvement.”

"I currently conduct seminars on stalking and stalking investigation for law enforcement, victim advocates and educators, both in the U.S. and elsewhere. I write books and articles to assist all those listed above, most recent work is Antidote For A Stalker, 2013, currently available on Amazon. I consult for radio, television and print media. I am a consultant for OVC (Office for Victims of Crime) as well as a consultant for The National Stalking Academy in the U.K. I have and continue to assist states in changing their stalking laws as wells as victim advocates and legislators involved in obtaining a stalking law in their country."
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